Still have questions? We can help!

If a question you have hasn't been answered below, send us a message at

  • How does Drawp work?

    • 1. Download the Drawp or Drawp Unlimited App for iPad from iTunes here
    • 2. Create a parent account with an email and password
    • 3. Create your kids’ account under the parent account
    • 4. Draw, paint, add photos and voice
    • 5. Share with family and friends with a simple swipe or…
    • 6. Sign into your account at to order your images printed on canvases, photographic prints, books, or note cards and have them shipped to yourself or to friends as gifts.

  • How do I download the app?

    Download the Drawp or Drawp Unlimited app on the iTunes App Store here.

  • Is Drawp available for Android or iPhone?

    Currently Drawp is only available for iPad.

  • What is the difference between the free version of Drawp and the paid version of Drawp?

    Drawp Unlimited is $0.99 and has no ads and no in-app purchases. Drawp - Drawing Families Closer Together is a free app, but includes ads in the parent account. There are no ads in the kids' account section of the app.

  • What if I have other questions not included in the FAQ?

    Please email us at