Still have questions? We can help!

If a question you have hasn't been answered below, send us a message at

  • How do I place an order on Drawp?

    Choose a product type and size. Add an image. Edit the image if needed to change size, orientation, or fill color. Check order cart. Add shipping and billing info. Review order. Submit order.

  • How do I edit images?

    Rollover the image to see and click on the “Edit” button. Watch for white areas around the image and be sure to edit if you’d like to fill the image area. Choose from the editing tools as needed: Center image in canvas Resize image to fit in canvas width Resize image to fit in canvas height Rotate image 90 degrees counter clockwise Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise Choose a background color Reset image (to undo all previous edits for an image) Click “Done”, when finished or click “cancel” to go back to the original image. Click “Check Cart and Order” when image selection is complete

  • How do I order a print from a kid’s account?

    You can choose artwork from a kid’s folder when when selecting artwork for a product at Or, you can swipe to share artwork from you child’s account to your parent account and the artwork will show up in your “Received” folder at

  • What is the return policy?

    Due to the personal nature of Drawp products, all sales are final. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at

  • Where can I see my order history?

    Tap on the order history link at the top right of any screen.